How to Eat an 800# Gorilla
I have often commented that most vision plan’s contractual requirement that providers extend a discount for all services, regardless of coverage, is both patently unfair and a brand-destroyer. Well, apparently our friends in dentistry have seen the light. Dentistry appears to have their act together on this issue and optometry can take a lesson from their […]
A Thanksgiving Message: Optometry…Take Back Your Brand!
Over the past week, VSP and the AOA have taken their differences over inclusion in Obamacare out of the conference room and into to the boxing ring. The public action appears to have started when former VSP Chairman, Daniel Mannen, wrote in VSP’s newsletter describing how VSP is optometry’s salvation…to paraphrase, “without VSP and Vision Plans…you’d be […]
Here Comes the Bride!
In a recent news release, VSP announced that they’re expanding their “affiliate program” begun with Costco last October. The new agreement is with HVHC’s 545-unit Eye Care Centers of America retail group. Interesting! Eye Care Centers of America, which operates stores across 39 states plus the District of Columbia, includes retail brands EyeMasters, Visionworks, Vision […]
Actions Speak Louder than Words!
VSP continues it's arrogance, this time with the announcement that it has launched a