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Press Release

Cleinman Performance Partners Expands Oneonta Park Project

For Release: Immediately

Contact: Business Writer Adrienne Wise at [email protected]

ONEONTA — Cleinman Performance Partners will join Oneonta Mayor Dick Miller at 2:30 p.m. Wednesday, October 22, to dedicate the newly installed plantings on the island across from Curtis Park on Main Street.

The landscaping represents Cleinman Performance Partners’ dedication to supporting their community by enhancing the city’s beauty. This effort began with the landscape makeover of Curtis Park, which was completed in 2012. Alan Cleinman, Cleinman Performance Partners’ Chairman and President, contributed $2,500 toward landscaping and repairs of Curtis Park.

Cleinman said he considers the renovation of the park and the island as gifts to Oneonta and its residents: “I am proud to call Oneonta my home and the home of Cleinman Performance Partners. I appreciate this additional opportunity to give back to the community. And I look forward to continuing our relationship with the City in the future.”

Mayor Miller says he is also grateful for the partnership with Cleinman Performance Partners in beautifying the Oneonta landscape.

“Alan’s leadership on the Curtis Park and island projects is unique and exemplary,” Miller says. “Based on his ideas and funds, we were able to forge a partnership among the City, the Garden Club and Asbury Gardens with the obvious, extraordinary results.”

And Miller says this may not be the end of the partnership, but only the beginning.

“We are already discussing his additional ideas for the further beautification of the intersection,” he says. “I’m very grateful for his leadership.”

The public is welcome to attend the dedication, and the company will host a small reception following the event at their offices at 343 Main St.

Founded in 1989, Cleinman Performance Partners, Inc. provides business solutions to independent optometry practices and the select vendors who serve them. Our mission is to help our clients recognize and realize all of their possibilities. In 2000, the company launched its core client development program, Cleinman Performance Network, a business development membership group for North America’s leading independent optometry practices.

For more information on Cleinman Performance Network, visit