Cleinman Performance Partners is pleased to announce the First Annual National Eyecare Facilities Conference.  “Building the WOW” will be the first two-day conference of its kind and is designed to help ECP’s develop a facility that separates their brand from the competition. “Building the WOW” will provide a one-stop, economical resource to educate optometric practice […]

Can you Handle the Pain?

Many years ago, we were engaged to perform our Strategic Review on a practice and assist with various implementation projects.  This client was financially successful, but the practice was in disarray.  The business had clearly outgrown its current organization and systems.  The client (an O.D./husband and manager/wife team) were literally “owned” by the practice.  They […]

How Safe Is Your Business?

“Concentration of Risk” is a banking term which designates the overall spread of a bank’s outstanding accounts over the number or variety of debtors to whom the bank has lent money.  If the bank has $100mm in outstanding loans and a loan is for $1mm, then the risk concentration is 1%.  This example indicates a relatively low […]

Pushing the Envelope

  Opternative Files Lawsuit Seeking to Overturn State Law Smart Vision Labs Launches Telemedicine Pilot Program Warby Parker Contemplates 1000 Brick and Mortar Locations Our industry is changing at warp speed.  The pressures on you are mounting in an ever-more complex world.  You and your team are dealing with organizational and commercial issues for which […]

Unlocking Your Own Vault

In our vision plan/managed care world, with increasing write-offs compounding the challenge of increasing costs, managing cash flow is ever more critical.  Recently, I’ve had several clients lament about increasing Accounts Receivable and, as a result, declining “Collections.”  During these discussions, I outline the “MIS” of collections…namely Management, Incentives and Systems. First, from a management […]

Blow Something Up!

It’s near the beginning of the fourth quarter. Of course, by now, you’ve got a good understanding of how this year will conclude. You’ve compared your 2016 plan to your actual performance and have made the mid-course corrections necessary to meet your goals. You’re starting to get an understanding of your 2017 objectives and have […]