
Thank You!

One year ago today I started this blog.  My purpose was to provide my readers with observations and opinion arising from what many have told me is a unique perspective…working closely with hundreds of high-performing optometry leaders throughout North America for the past twenty years.  Indeed, this month is the 20th anniversary of Cleinman Performance Partners.  Today, a year since I started these posts, we've surpassed 21,000 page views. 

Now, I don't know if 21,000 page views in a year for a non-promoted blog is good or bad.  And I don't much care.  What I do care about is saying "Thanks." 

Thank you to my readers who, through your kind words and posted comments have told me that you value what you read on this forum.  Thank you to our clients and the members of Cleinman Performance Network for your ongoing support of our mission…to help our clients recognize and realize all of their possibilities.  Thank you to the eye care industry, which for 37 years has provided me with an incredibly interesting adventure, full of psychic reward. 

If you enjoy what you read on this blog, please pass it on to your friends and colleagues.  If you don't enjoy what you read or take exception to one of my opinions, thanks for having the courage to make a comment.  In my opinion it's not important on which side of a debate any of us reside.  What's important is the debate itself.  Thank you for your participation!

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Exiting Vision Plans Conference

Discover the secrets to eliminating or reducing your reliance on vision plans.