Keeping the Funds Flowing!

Controlling Accounts Receivable on your balance sheet is fundamental to strong financials. Watch and see what Al says is the one performance indicator that will keep your funds flowing.

Show Me the Money!

You’re doing it wrong. Well, maybe not wrong, but how you track practice finances may not accurately show you the whole picture. See what Al says is the one change that will revolutionize how you understand the true performance of your practice.

Surviving Success!

For the last 12 months, you’ve had to build new kinds of resilience into your business plan. Now the summit of that climb is in sight. In this week’s video, Al has several tips about the view from here — plus one to keep you stable as you map what comes next.

The Squeeze Play

With costs ticking upwards, ODs will soon start to feel the squeeze on their bottom lines — unless they take back control of their practices right now. Learn two ways to do so in this week’s video from Al.

Unintended Consequences

You streamlined your business with 21st Century technology for payment systems, appointment scheduling, and other patient services. However, there is likely one thing you left back in the 20th Century. Al explains what that is in this week’s video.

Decisions, Decisions, Decisions!

We’ve all been forced to make many hard choices during the past year — and there are two ways your brain can frame those decisions. Only one frame, however, consistently leads to success, as Al explains in this week’s video.

Fix the Kitchen!

Can’t figure out why all your marketing is pulling the way it should? Maybe you’re putting the cart before the horse?

The Leaning Tower of Pisa

You can’t judge an optometry practice by its bottom line as the roots of its long-term success are deeper than its P&L sheets. In this week’s video, see how far down Al says you need to dig in order to build a strong foundation.

Let’s Get Social

Ever wonder how to improve your social media presence? Client Relationship Manager, Alexandria Johnson, discusses three tips on how to achieve this and it’s not as difficult as you may think.

On Building Wealth

Bad information leads to poor decisions about your practice’s future. In this week’s video, see what Al says is the one good trick to building wealth…