
Secret Rewards Gift Card

Vince Penza, OD
Vince Penza, OD

Create customized gift cards that have a secret value. This is patterned after Victoria Secret’s secret rewards program. The psychology behind it is that people get excited by the possibilities, almost like gambling. The value is unknown until the card is swiped by your credit card reader. The cards are loaded in the office with a value that you decide upon. The card amount doesn’t have any “cash value,” is only good for prescription glasses and can’t be used with insurance or any other offers. It is essentially a dollar discount off the purchase of prescription glasses. Our card is valued between $60-$200. Ours are loaded for $100 only, and we will have $150 and $200 cards that we will give to customers that buy multiple pairs of glasses every year, kind of a thank you. We decided on the $100 amount as people will expect the lowest amount and will be thrilled to find that they are getting $100, which in our office is about a 15% discount.


Determine the value of your gift card. Determine the design of your card. Submit it to Dave Proy at EVO 1227 Waverly Rd. Sandusky, OH 44870 Mobile: 419-656-1964 Fax: 877-828-3830 Website: www.daveproy.com


1st time custom setup $199.99 Reorder setup $79.99 Per transaction charge $0.15 Cost of Cards 200 cards/$1.19 each 300 cards/$1.09 each 400 cards/$0.99 each 500 or more/$0.89 each 1,000 cards or more, ask for quote* This service can be added to a terminal that is approved by EVOPayment International. If terminal can handle the additional service, a separate terminal can be purchased for $99.99.


Increase 2nd or 3rd pair sales. Increase our capture rate. Higher margins since 2nd and 3rd pairs aren’t covered by insurance except the day of the visit.

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