
Improve Contact Lens Reordering

Sarah Swanson, ODWe have created a business card-size patient info card that we attach to all patients’ orders that do not purchase a year supply of contacts. The purpose of the card is to inform the patient that they are able to re-order their CLs directly from us online. We kept the card simple by having a small graphic of a smartphone and a small statement about the ability to re-order contact lenses from our website. The card is then attached to their boxes with an easily removable sticker (like the circular stickers we use for marking right and left) to ensure that the boxes are not damaged in case of returns.


Add a link to the front page of your website for patients to click to re-order their contacts. Our CL distributor helped us set this link up for free. Design your business size patient info card with your web address. Print them and attach them to all orders that are less than a year supply.


The small cost of a simple design for the card and printing of the business card size cards. Purchase stickers. Our initial investment was about $100 for design and printing. Ongoing expense will just be printing costs for more cards.


  1. Increased contact lens sales.
  2. Keeps patients in our practice.
  3. Increased exposure to our website.
  4. Patient’s perception of a technology savvy practice, even if they never order online.
  5. Less phone calls for the staff to manage during a busy work day.


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