
Throw away those Cellphones and Ipods!

FastCompany reports that Jawbone – the company that makes Bluetooth headsets and wireless speakers – has come up with a new product called Up, described as a “wearable band” that “is infused with sensors and smartphone connected, allowing you to track your eating, sleeping, and activity patterns … That data is then fed into a  smartphone app, which also takes in information about your meals. (You enter meal data manually, in part by taking pictures of what you’ve eaten.) Based on all that information, the smartphone program provides ‘nudges’ meant to help you live healthier, day by day. For
example, if you haven’t slept much, when you wake up the app might suggest a high-protein breakfast and an extra glass of water.”

In other words, the information collected by the Up band has the potential of having a major influence over how people behave and what they buy. And that’s an Eye-Opener.

The Up band looks like one of the rubber wristbands that have become so popular, signifying a connection to charities such as Livestrong. It is described as a major advance in the business of body computing, and while a price has not yet been set, it is expected to be “affordable” and available to consumers by the end of this year.


As I’ve often said, we’ll end up with an implanted phone/computer interface.  The Dick Tracy cellphone watch is soooo yesterday.

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