
Colorado Springs Optometrist Lauded for Dedication to Quality Care

DALLAS, TEXAS — Dr. John Rabins of OPTOM-EYES in Colorado Springs, CO, received recognition for his continued commitment to professional development at a recent meeting of Cleinman Performance Network.

Contact: Dr. John Rabins at [email protected] or (719) 550-3937

John Rabins
John Rabins

DALLAS, TEXAS — Dr. John Rabins of OPTOM-EYES in Colorado Springs, CO, received recognition for his continued commitment to professional development at a recent meeting of Cleinman Performance Network.

Dr. Rabins — celebrating five years in the Network — demonstrates a dedication to creating a healthy and beneficial work environment, as well as to maintaining a high level of patient care and satisfaction. As a member of Cleinman Performance Network, a wisdom-sharing group of peer optometrists from across North America, Dr. Rabins provides valuable knowledge that highlights and contributes to the best practices in vision care and eye health.

Dr. Rabins graduated from the New England College of Medicine, doing a pediatric rotation during his tenure. A retired Air Force colonel, Dr. Rabins has spent much of his career in Colorado Springs, serving tours of duty at the Air Force Academy, Peterson Air Force Base and Cheyenne Mountain.

OPTOM-EYES specializes in detecting ocular diseases such as macular degeneration and cataracts, as well as comprehensive eye exams for all ages. Dr. Rabins encourages family members to join patients in the exam room, hoping to use each exam as an opportunity for learning.

“Dr. Rabins has made true contributions to our network of optometrists through his commitment to excellent patient care,” said Alan H. Cleinman, president of Cleinman Performance Partners in Oneonta, N.Y. “We are honored to be associated with a professional of such high caliber and look forward to continuing our positive and beneficial relationship.”

About Cleinman Performance Partners, Inc.
Founded in 1989, Cleinman Performance Partners provides business solutions to independent optometry practices and the select vendors who serve them. Our mission is to transform lives through recognized and realized possibilities. Now in its 15th year, Cleinman Performance Network is a business development membership support network comprised of over 200 of North America’s leading independent optometry practices.
For more information on Cleinman Performance Network, visit www.cleinman.com.

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