Daniel Herkert, OD
We have created a “Patient Passport.” It is a portfolio that contains all the information presented to the patient at the time of their experience at the office. The contents include any handouts that the doctor discussed during the exam regarding the patient’s ocular conditions or health risks and the patient’s prescriptions, both CL and glasses. Also included is the optical treatment plan (separate page) discussing the doctor’s prescribed lens of choice, lens add-ons and any handouts describing these lens options. We use Hoya’s lens marketing brochures for this. Finally, we include a copy of their invoice, and on the front is a reminder sticker of when their next appointment is scheduled.
We designed our own optical treatment plan sheet that contains the possible lens choices that the doctor or scribe fills out in the lane. We installed a brochure rack in each lane that holds the information regarding common eye problems and the lens choice materials and options. We purchased the file folders that we use to collect the information given to the patient during their exam and then given to the patient at the end of their visit. Lastly, a small business card-size adhesive Logo Label is placed on the folder that has our contact information and the patient’s next scheduled appointment.
- File Folders: 100 folders/$20.00.
- Printed Logo Labels: 1,000 labels/$10.00 (Additional cost for printing of patient invoice or any other printed information or handouts is determined on what information has been distributed.)
The patients feel as though we have taken an extra effort in providing them valuable information pertaining to their individual needs. Marketing wise, I have had patients express how great their experience was, and that they have never had an eye experience like it before. It has also made it easier for the optical staff to accommodate the patient’s needs because they have already received the information from the doctor in the lane.